Integration with Xandr adserver

Nexx Web tag is compatible with the Xandr adserver.

The tag provided below will replace your APN Tag, which will be embedded into it to establish a connection with your Xandr account.

The integration, its characteristics and options are described below.

Example of Nexx Web tag

Integrate the following script in the <head>:

<script async src="//"></script>
        var n360Ad = n360Ad || { que: []};
        var apntag = apntag || { anq: []};

        apntag.anq.push(() => {
                member: ENTER YOUR MEMBER ID,
                keywords: { key1: 'value1' }
                account: 'ENTER YOUR CUSTOMER ID',
                gdpr: 1,
                adServer: 'xandr',
                granularity: 'auto',
                ids: {
                    id5: { partnerId: ENTER YOUR CUSTOMER ID },
                targeting: {
                    key1: 'value1',
                    key2: ['value1', 'value2']
                lazyLoading: {
                    isActive: 1,
                    fetchRatio: 2,
                    mobileFetchRatio: 4,
                amazon: {
                    isActive: 1,
                    pubId: 'ENTER YOUR AMAZON PUB ID' 
                invCode: "ENTER YOUR INVENTORY CODE",
		sizes: [[320, 50], [728, 90], [1000, 90], [1000, 200], [1200, 90], [1200, 200], [1800, 1000], [1, 1]],
		targetId: "div-1",
                keywords: {'key2': ['value1', 'value2'] }
            .setNexx360TagId('ENTER YOUR PLACEMENT ID')
                invCode: "ENTER YOUR INVENTORY CODE", 
                sizes: [[300, 250], [300, 600]],
                targetId:  "div-2"
            .setNexx360TagId('ENTER YOUR PLACEMENT ID')
                invCode: "ENTER YOUR INVENTORY CODE", 
                sizes: [[300, 250]],
                targetId:  "div-3"
            .setNexx360TagId('ENTER YOUR PLACEMENT ID')
            .setTeadsPageId('ENTER YOUR TEADS PAGE ID')
            .setTeadsPlacementId('ENTER YOUR TEADS PLACEMENT ID');         

Integrate the following script in the <body>

Then, you need to indicate where the ad unit will appear by integrating the following code in the <body> at the selected location. The corresponding code must be added for each ad slot defined in the <head>.

        <div id="div-1"></div>
            apntag.anq.push(function() {

Check that your div ID matches the ID indicated during the ad slot definition.

The corresponding code must be added for each ad placement defined in the<head>.

Nexx Web tag configuration

The Nexx Web tag needs to be configured with the fields described below at three levels:


  • member: Xandr member ID.

  • keywords: Values enabling to define customised attributes for the page. They are used for targeting and reporting in Xandr.


  • account: Nexx360 customer ID indicated at the right top of the console.

  • gdpr: 1 or 0 according to the CMP set up, active or not.

  • adServer : Specify 'xandr' for implementation with this adserver.

  • granularity : Choose a value between 'auto', 'dense' and 'low' depending on Header bBidding line items CPM granularity.

  • timeout: The value can be modified (2000 is the recommended value).

  • ids : Enables to configure User ID modules.

  • targeting: Values enabling the definition of customised attributes for the page. Used for targeting and reporting in Xandr. Targeting can also be configured via the functionn360Ad.setTargeting (see below).

  • lazyloading : See feature's details and settings here.


  • setNexx360Id : Placement ID indicated for each line of the placements list.

  • setLabel : Value allowing the naming of the ad slot that will be used for Nexx360 reporting.

The setLabel notion is important and highly recommended because it takes action in monetization. This notion is transferred via the bid request and is used by SSPs to classify inventory.

Typology of ad placements creation

The feature n360Ad.defineXandrSlot incorporates the principles of apntag.defineTag with the same elements.

Each field must be replaced by your own configuration parameters:

  • invCode: Fill the Xandr inventory code.

  • sizes: Selection of inventory sizes for the ad placement.

  • targetId: Div name that will be added in the <body> at the location where the ad slot is to be delivered.

  • keywords: Enables the definition of customised attributes for the ad slot. Used for targeting and reporting in Xandr.

Integration options

Different fields are optionals depending on your configuration.

Amazon SSP integration

You can activate the Amazon SSP with those specific lines of code.

amazon: {
    isActive: 1,
  • isActive: 1 or 0 according to the activation or not for Amazon.

  • pubId: Publisher ID Amazon with 36 characters.

Teads SSP integration with client-side connexion

You can activate Teads SSP (while waiting for its server-side adapter) by adding the following code at the ad slot definition level n360Ad.defineXandrSlot (operation to repeat for each relevant placement).

  • setTeadsPageId: Teads Page ID

  • setTeadsPlacementId: Teads Placement ID related to the ad placement

Last updated