Google Ad Manager setup

Ad Server Setup

ON demand, we can handle the ad server setup, once you provided us with API access to GAM.


Below, you'll find an example of targeting sent to Google Ad Manager

"hb_env": "mobile-app",
"hb_cache_id": "e18e97c5-dbba-416c-8df6-2c082b113f25",
"hb_pb": "1.78",
"hb_cache_path": "/cache",
"hb_size": "320x480",
"hb_bidder": "triplelift",
"hb_partner": "nexx360",
"hb_cache_host": "",
"hb_format": "banner"

hb_partner can be used to ensure proper line item allocation.


By default, Granularity for inapp is set to dense. Please contact us if you need a custom granularity.


As per Prebid documentation, you need to use the following creative (which includes mobileResize)

<script src=""></script>
  var ucTagData = {};
  ucTagData.adServerDomain = "";
  ucTagData.pubUrl = "%%PATTERN:url%%";
  ucTagData.adId = "%%PATTERN:hb_adid%%";
  ucTagData.cacheHost = "%%PATTERN:hb_cache_host%%";
  ucTagData.cachePath = "%%PATTERN:hb_cache_path%%";
  ucTagData.uuid = "%%PATTERN:hb_cache_id%%";
  ucTagData.mediaType = "%%PATTERN:hb_format%%";
  ucTagData.env = "%%PATTERN:hb_env%%";
  ucTagData.size = "%%PATTERN:hb_size%%";
  ucTagData.hbPb = "%%PATTERN:hb_pb%%";
  ucTagData.mobileResize = "hb_size:%%PATTERN:hb_size%%";

  try {
	ucTag.renderAd(document, ucTagData);
  } catch (e) {

Last updated